…与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-孙江曼 – 北京化工大学考研…(武汉理工大学材料科学与工程学院)

孙江曼 孙江曼 副教授单位:工程楼b205作业电话:e-mail: sunjiangman@mail.buct.edu.cn研讨领域:1. 集合诱导发光(aie)2. 有机/高分子光、电、热功用材料3. 多功用自愈合材料 教育布景 作业阅历 科研作用 2010年9月-2015年7月,华南理工大学,材料学博士 2015年7月-2016年6月,北京高压科学研讨中心,博士后2016年6月-2021年3月,中科院北京纳米动力与体系研讨所,博士后 地址课题组为顾星桂教授团队,首要环绕动力、催化、生物医学,海水淡化,闪现等领域中的要害科学疑问,打开具有光、电、热、磁效应的新式有机功用分子材料(特别是集合诱导发光(aie)分子)的方案组成,构效联络研讨及有关使用开发。当前,课题组现已获得了一系列立异性研讨作用。已在nature子刊nature commun., science子刊science advances, j. am. chem. soc., angew. chem. int. ed., adv. mater., acs nano, chem, chem. sci., adv. funct. mater., biomaterials, small等世界重要期刊上宣告有关论文近60余篇,影响因子大于10的近20篇。地址课题组代表性论文:1. gu xinggui* (corresponding author); tang ben zhong*, et al. a facile strategy for realizing room temperature phosphorescence and single molecule white light emission. nature commun., 2021, doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-05298-y. 2. jiangman sun; kuo li,* et al. pressure-induced polymerization of acetylene: structure-directed stereoselectivity and a possible route to graphane. angew. chem. int. ed. 2021, 56, 1 – 6.3. jiangman sun; zhong lin wang, * et al. self-healable, stretchable, transparent triboelectric nanogenerators as soft power sources, acs nano, 2021, 12: 6147-6155.4. gu, xinggui; tang, benzhong.*, et al. corannulene-incorporated aie nanodots with highly suppressed nonradiative decay for boosted cancer phototheranostics in vivo, adv. mater., 2021, doi: doi.org/10.1002/adma..5. gu, xinggui; tang, ben zhong.*, et al. a mitochondrion-specific photoactivatable fluorescence turn-on aie-based bioprobe for localization super-resolution microscope. adv. mater., 2016, 28, 5064-5071.6. gu, xinggui; tang, ben zhong*, et al. mitochondrion-specific live-cell bioprobe operated in a fluorescence turn-on manner and a well-designed photoactivatable mechanism. adv. mater.,
…与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-孙江曼 – 北京化工大学考研…(武汉理工大学材料科学与工程学院)插图
2015, 27, 7093-7100.7. wang, jianguo.#; gu, xinggui# (co-first author); tang, b. z.*, et al. ionization and anion-pi(+) interaction: a new strategy for structural design of aggregation-induced emission luminogens, j. am. chem. soc., 2021, 139, 16974-16979. 8. gu, xinggui; tang, ben zhong*, et al. no uv irradiation needed! chemiexcited aie dots for cancer theranostics, chem, 2021, 3, 922-924. 9. sun jiangman; gu, x.* (corresponding author); tang, b. z.*, et al. fluorescence turn-on visualization of microscopic processes for self-healing gels by aiegens and anticounterfeiting application. chem. mater., 2021, 31, 5683-5690.10. gu, xinggui; tang, ben zhong*, et al. alegens for biological process monitoring and disease theranostics, biomaterials, 2021, 146, 115-135.11. gu, x.; zhang, g*.; zhang, d*., et al. polymorphism-dependent emission for di(p-methoxylphenyl) dibenzofulvene and analogues: optical waveguide/amplified spontaneous emission behaviors. adv. funct. mater., 2012, 22, 4862-4872.12. gu, xinggui; zhang, deqing*., et al. controllable self-assembly of di(p-methoxylphenyl)dibenzofulvene into three different emission forms. small, 2012, 8, 3406-3411.13. jiangman sun; yong cao, and junwu chen, et al. 5,6-di?uorobenzothiazole-based conjugated polymers with large band gaps and deep highest occupied molecular orbital levels, acs appl. mater. interfaces 2021, 10, 11094?11100. 14. jiangman sun; xiong pu; zhonglin wang, et al. self-powered electrochromic devices with tunable infrared intensity, science bulletin, 2021, 63: 795-801. 15. jiangman sun; junwu chen;* yong cao, et al.. high efficiency and high voc inverted polymer solar cells based on a low-lying homo polycarbazole donor and a hydrophilic polycarbazole interlayer on ito cathode. j. phys. chem. c. 2012, 116, 14188?14198.16. xiong pu; jiangman sun; et al. ultrastretchable, transparent triboelectric nanogenerator as electronic skin for biomechanicalenergy harvesting and tactile sensing, sci. adv. 2021, 3, e**.项目情况:掌管国家天然科学基金青年项目1项



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