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compelling people review—how to win friends and influence people in the 21st century: the key is to balance nasty and nice






part one: 原文&单词

ⅰ is it better to be loved than feared? no, reckoned niccolò machiavelli, who advised the rulers of 16th-century italy to practise authoritarianism rather than benevolence. yet most of us adopt a friendlier disposition when courting respect and influence. trouble is, when it comes to getting on in life, being too nice can leave us looking weak.


1.reckon [?rek?n] v.看作,认为

2.practise [?pr?kt?s] v.施行,实施,奉行

3.authoritarianism [?:?θ?r?’te?r??n?sm] n. 独裁主义,独裁政治

4.disposition [?d?sp??z??n] n.性格,性格,气质

5.get on in life 立身处世,略胜一筹

ⅱ john neffinger and matthew kohut aren’t recommending we all strive to be machiavellian tyrants, but they do think the self-help master had a point. updating his ideas for the 21st century, they propose strength and warmth — akin to fear and love — as the alternative ways of building influence. unlike machiavelli, however, they do not back one approach over the other, arguing that the two usually need to be in perfect equilibrium to produce one of the ‘compelling people’ who give their book its name. err on the side of strength, and a person will seem bossy; favour warmth, and he or she risks coming across as a pushover.


6.machiavellian [?m?k??’vel??n] a.马基雅维利主义的,不择办法的

7.self-help 自助,自立

8.have a point 正确,中肯,很 理

9.akin to 近乎,类似于

10.alternative [?:l?t?:n?t?v] a.供替代的,另外的

11.back [b?k] v.撑持

12.compelling [k?m?pel??] a.引人凝视的

13.err on the side of 过火体现,失之……,偏于

14.bossy [?b?si] a.专横的,蛮横的

ⅲviewing professional and personal relationships through this prism, the authors provide an enlightening perspective on our behaviour and how we interpret the actions of others. the quality that typically ensues from the perfect blend of strength and warmth is charisma, as seen in high-profile public figures such as barack obama and hillary clinton. but to become charismatic a person must often overcome prejudice based on stereotypes about gender and ethnicity, rather than address an actual deficit of strength or warmth. because women are perceived to be naturally warmer but weaker than men, for instance, they arouse suspicion when projecting an image of strength — however wrong that may be.


16.stereotype [?steri?ta?p] n.成见,方法化形象

17.ethnicity [eθ?n?s?ti] n.种族

18.address [??dres] v.处置,处置

19.deficit [?def?s?t] n.短少,短少,缺乏

20.perceive [p??si:v] v.把……看做,认为

21.project [?pr?d?ekt] v.标明……的特性,呈现

*prism [?pr?z?m] n. 棱镜

ⅳ having established the rules, neffinger and kohut then instruct readers on how to become experts at the game. it is here that compelling people enters the well trodden territory of self-help books, whose providers are often guilty of trotting out stereotypes rather than imparting fresh insight, and inevitably becomes less compelling. for instance, carnegie, in how to win friends and influence people, was telling readers to avoid arguments, if they wanted to be more persuasive, long before neffinger and kohut deemed this to be a manifestation of strength.


22.impart [?m?pɑ:t] v.给予,教授

23.inevitably [?n?ev?t?bli] ad.不可以避免地

24.persuasive [p??swe?s?v] a.有说服力的

25.manifestation [?m?n?fe?ste??n] n.体现,体现

*trot out 引证,引述(尤指重复地)

ⅴone saving grace is the mixture of scientific rigour with mischievous analysis. readers with young children may rush to replicate the stanford marshmallow experiment, which rewards infants with an extra sweet if they exercise patience before eating a first, and has proven to be a reliable indicator of willpower and, indeed, future persistence. also redemptive are the colourful examples of individuals whose extreme qualities of either strength or warmth allowed them, effectively, to cheat the system. novelist ayn rand desired strength and avoided warmth, but attracted a huge number of loyal supporters nevertheless. the philosophy of the beatles, by contrast, was all about warmth, and yet they became the most influential pop band of all time.


26.saving grace 可以抵偿缺陷的一个利益

27.rigour [?r?g?(r)] n.稳重,紧密,精确

28.mischievous [?m?st??v?s] a.顽皮的,戏谑的

29.marshmallow [?mɑ:??m?l??] n.棉花糖

30.indicator [??nd?ke?t?(r)] n.指示物,方针

31.willpower [‘w?lpa??(r)] n.意志力,自我抑制力

32.philosophy [f??l?s?fi] n.处事原则,人生哲学

t two: 长难句语法指点

unlike machiavelli,however, they do not back one approach over the other, arguing th atthe two usually need to be in perfect equilibriumto produce one of the ‘compelling people’who give their book its name.


part three: 写作句型学习

err on the side of xx, and a person will seem yy; favour aa, and he or she risks coming across as bb.



err on the side of strength, and a person will seem bossy; favour warmth, and he or she risks coming across as a pushover.若过火强势,我们会显得专横;若倾向温文,那么他或她则很可以会给人以软蛋形象。

one saving grace is ……


also redemptive is/are …….



①one saving grace is the mixture of scientific rigour with mischievous analysis.可以抵偿该书缺陷的一个利益是其“科学般的稳重”和“顽皮般的分析”的混合。

②also redemptive are the colourful examples of individuals whose extreme qualities of either strength or warmth allowed them, effectively, to cheat the system.相同具有抵偿性的是其间生动风趣的自个事例,他们或是强势或是温文的极点特质有用地让他们绕过了这个规则。









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