




eg.what is clearly presented in the above picture(图表用chart替换)?is?上图中理解闪现的是?? ? ? ?主题? ? ??




第一句:simple as it is,what the picture intends to convey to us is extremely far-reaching and thought-provoking.万能句,图像传达的信息发人沉思,只需被选为考题的,那咱们就觉得它很重要很深化,英豪所见略同。


第二句:studying it further it is ,it is not difficult for us to find that what the author wants to reflect is进一步研讨它,咱们不难发现作者想反映的是? ? ? ? ?引入主题,图像中最重要的联络,用名词或名词性短语来表达? ? ? ???




is the importance of the spirit of

saving food/innovation/making contribution…


is the severity of?environmental pollution/waste…


is the phenomenon of?online shopping…




以奉献精力为例on the one hand,it will be beneficial to the growth and success of people. on the other hand,it will contribution to the construction of harmonious society.一方面,它将有利于我们的生长和成功。另一方面,它将有助于构建调和社会。






①in order to justify the viewpoint that l have mentioned above,i can come up with no better illustration than the example of-为了证明我上面说到的观念是正确的,没有比下面的比方非常好的例子…

比方上面的奉献精力举例-of leifeng ,a great warrior,who devoted his whole life to making contributions to the society.

②just as xxx,(刺进语标明身份)xxxx puts it:the spirit of making contributions is one of the traditional virtues of chinese people,and it is our responsibility to place great emphasis on it.奉献精力是我国人的传统美德之一,咱们有责任高度注重。




第一句:①活泼疑问:after what we have discussed above,we can easily come to the conclusion that effective measures should be taken to cultivate this spirit.(经过以上谈论,咱们很简略得出结论,大约采纳有用办法来培育这种精力。)

②低沉疑问:after what we have discussed above,we can easily come to the conclusion that effective measures should be taken to address this problem.(经过以上谈论,咱们很简略得出结论,大约采纳有用办法去向置这个疑问。)



to begin with,it is the responsibility of the government and mass media to publicize the importance of this spirit.(社会方面,政府和媒体去宣传)in addition,we,college students,are supposed to make contributions to the society in our daily life,which is extremely essential.(咱们本身要做出奉献)


第三句:only in this way,can our prospect become better and better.(只需这样,咱们的前景才干越来越好。)



what is clearly presented in the above chart is????(表头翻译)? .specifically speaking,___________




第一句:simple as it is,what the?chart(图像用picture替换)?intends to convey to us is extremely far-reaching and thought-provoking.(废话文学,万能句,表格传达的信息发人沉思,考试是担负教育意义的,只需被选为考题的,那咱们就觉得它很重要很深化,英豪所见略同)


第二句:what triggers this phenomenon?


第三句:studying it further it is ,it is not difficult for us to come up with a considerable number of reasons to account for this phenomenon,but the most crucial ones are as follows.(进一步研讨它,咱们不难找出许多缘由来说明这一表象,但最要害的缘由如下)


第四句:to begin with,语句.in addition,语句.last but not the least,语句.



微观环境(society/economy/culture/the government and the policy,看不一样的论题分析);

微观个别individual-people,任何事物的打开离不开人的要素(才能=ability=capability/be able to do something=be capable of doing something;知道=awareness=consciousness=sense=realize=be aware of=be conscious of;观念)









to begin with,it has been universally acknowledged that this phenomenon has something to do with the development and progress of economy.in addition,it must be pointed out that this situation can also be attributed to be changes of society and policy.above all,we have to notice that the behavior and awareness of people can also lead to the happening of this scene.


??抢手论题举例:低碳日子low-carbon,以新动力轿车销量为例new-energy cars

to begin with,it has been universally acknowledged that with the development of society and economy,especially due to the policy of reform and opening up,chinese people become increasingly rich.and consequently,they can afford new-energy cars which are not cheap.in addition,the government has made some policies to encourage people to buy new-energy cars.(首要,跟着社会和经济的打开,特别是因为变革翻开的方针,我国公民越来越赋有。因而,他们可以收购不廉价的新动力轿车。此外,政府还拟定了一些方针,鼓舞我们收购新动力轿车。)

must be pointed out that because new-energy cars van effectively reduce the carbon emission and people are aware of the importance of environmental protection,more and more people will choose new-energy cars.(有必要指出的是,因为新动力轿车可以有用削减碳排放,而且我们知道到环境维护的重要性,越来越多的人会选择新动力轿车。)




②低沉表象概率不大,比方这些暂时不优点置的疑问-environment pollution/the aging population老龄化/joblessness赋闲

③双面性:online study/online shopping


第一句1-只需没有显着的疑问、害处的事物还能持续:after what we have discussed above,we can easily come to the conclusion that?this established trend will continue for a while in the forthcoming years.(经过以上谈论,咱们很简略得出这样的结论:这种既定趋势将在将来几年持续一段时刻。)


第一句2-好的事建议鼓舞:after what we have discussed above,we can easily come to the conclusion that effective measures should be taken to further encourage and support the?development of new-energy cars,which is extremely essential.(经过以上谈论,咱们很简略得出结论,大约采纳有用办法进一步鼓舞和撑持新动力轿车的打开,这对错常必要的。)


第二句:only in this way,can the prospect of china become better and better.






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