
从医务作业者的身上咱们可以看到忘我奉献的精力,这关于日子在过度文娱化年代的年青人来说是极好的一节思维教育课。4、情绪与行为 in the event of a major epidemic, people ‘s panic will do more harm than the virus itself. therefore, in the event of s
uch public health and safety events, firstly, we should do agood job in popularizing medical knowledge and preventive measures. secondly, in the face of the epidemic, we should keep a good attitude not panic, believe in the power of the govenment and science.遇到严峻疫情,民众的惊惧所构成的损害要比病毒给咱们带来的损伤本身大许多。所以遇到这样的公共清洁平安作业时,首要要及时做好医学常识科普,避免办法科普。其次,面临疫情,要坚持杰出意态,不要惊惧,要信赖政府的力气,信赖科学的力气。??????疑问词汇请看p3



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