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physical presence is no longer a prerequisite?to doing business in a given market, particularly?in the digital economy where intangible products?are replicable at little or no cost.?expanded?boundaries create opportunities for firms to grow,?but frequently the risk of market concentration increases. anticompetitive behavior is harder?to identify in the digital economy. network?effects often benefit early adopters of technology,?facilitating the emergence of monopolies.


more start-ups mean more competition. if?the business conditions are right, it is more likely?that some start-ups will grow strongly, creating?jobs. faced with new competition, less productive?firms – so long as they are not state-owned or?politically connected – exit the market.


by some estimates, power supply needs to increase fourfold over the next 30 years. to produce this electricity will require a huge increase in renewables, as well as nuclear power (more likely in the developing than developed world), as well as the use of fossil fuels with carbon capture and storage (ccs). and that is just what specialists call the “easy”?part.


creating a better business environment allows more successful firms to rise naturally. the world bank’s doing business project lays?out the basi
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c regulatory requirements for private?initiatives to grow. these data have been used?by researchers to study the deleterious effects of?burdensome regulation. poverty rates are lower in?countries that have business-friendly regulations.?


a country with a business-friendly environment?also has more start-up activity and job creation.?when mexico simplified business registration, the?number of new businesses increased by 5 percent,?and wage employment went up by 2.2 percent. higher start-up costs may also lead to lower?overall productivity: in the absence of?competition,?firms that are already in a market will continue to?operate regardless of productivity levels.?


competitive markets and efficient trade?require basic infrastructure — roads, bridges, ports,?and airports. lower transport costs, as well as?streamlined, cheaper border compliance processes,?increase exports. logistics infrastructure facilitates?the online trading of nondigital product.?


technology allows firms to sharpen their?competitive edge by making their operations more?efficient and by enabling them to create new ways?of doing business. teleroute, a belgian platform?uses an algorithm to match freight forwarders and?carriers in europe, reducing empty runs by up to?25 percent. in the digital age,?entrepreneurs worldwide have access to these?services via the internet.


one aspect of the digital economy is that it poses new challenges for competition law, mergers and acquisitions, and consumer welfare. the ascent of platform firms raises issues related to market power. the network effects associated with some online products often lead to significant benefits for early adopters, resulting in market concentration and facilitating the emergence of monopolies.?platform firms at times exclude competitors by charging higher fees for other networks to interconnect.when zimbabwe mandated interoperability and?infrastructure sharing among e-money operators, the number of subscribers rose by 15 percent. in peru, the telecom regulator forced the largest communication networks to offer messaging services to banks that were expanding into e-money.






the city of zhangjiakou is situated in northwestern hebei province. it is also where four provinces/municipalities meet, namely beijing, hebei, shanxi and inner mongolia. it has 6 districts, 10 counties, 2 administrative zones and 1 high and new technology zone under its jurisdiction. the city occupies a total area of 37,000 square kilometres and has 4.68 million people.


zhangjiakou is only 180 kilometres from beijing and is the main thoroughfare between beijing and the northwestern region of china. the city is a key component of the capital economic circle, and is easily accessible. 7 expressways and 6 railways run through the area, and the road network of 21,000 kilometers?tops the province and country.?the zhangjiakou ningyuan airport opened last june means a multidimensional transport is taking shape. construction for the beijing-zhangjiakou intercity railway has began this year, and, once completed, the travel between the two cities will be reduced to around 50 minutes, which will lead to the integrated development of zhangjiakou and beijing.


zhangjiakou is a city rich in intangible cultural heritage and folk culture. it boasts 380 intangible cultural heritage items that cover over a dozen categories, including traditional opera, folk art, traditional handicrafts and folk music and dance. currently, one item is on the list of unesco intangible cultural heritage, 5 are listed as national intangible cultural heritage, 36 as provincial intangible cultural heritage and 83 as municipal intangible cultural heritage.


the art of paper cutting in yuxian county began during the reign of the daoguang emperor (1821-1850), which is over 150 years old and is the only incised colour paper cutting in china. the products are sold in over 40 countries and regions, including the u.s., japan, canada and singapore, and are well received among both foreign and domestic consumers. it has been on the list of unesco intangible cultural heritage. traditional opera with distinctive regional characteristics from zhangjiakou, including koubangzi and dongluer’rentai, are precious cultural legacies as well as culture brands of the city.


beijing 2022 proposes 25 venues that are located in three zones in beijing, yanqing and zhangjiakou.


the zhangjiakou zone, located in chongli district, zhangjiakou city, has a history of ski industry for nearly 20 years. currently, there are 5 existing ski resorts in operation, making it the leader of the national ski industry. it is also a popular ski and holiday destination for ski enthusiasts from surrounding countries.









创造非常好的商业环境,能让更成功的公司顺势鼓起。世界银行(the world bank)的营商环境陈述项目(doing business project)为私营公司的打开拟定了根柢的监管需求。研讨人员使用这些数据,分析重重监管的晦气影响。在施行商业友爱型监控准则的国家中,贫穷率也更低。








数字化经济的一个特性是,它给竞赛法、公司吞并与收购、以及花费者福利构成了新的应战。平台型公司的打开提出了与商场实力有关的疑问。与某些线上产品有关的网络效应一般给先行者带来丰富收益,致使商场会集,推进独占公司的鼓起。平台型公司有时经过向其他网络征收更高的互联费来架空竞赛者。津巴布韦强行需求电子钱银运营商之间完成互操作性并同享基础设备时,用户的数量添加了 15%。在秘鲁,电信监管机构迫使最大的通讯网络为正在向电子钱银领域进军的银行供给信息效能。










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