
本系列给同学们推送的是经济学人读译参考文章,大家可以尝试翻译一下,坚持练习,不仅对考研英语的阅读理解有所 助,还能提高翻译水平。记得和研友们分享哦,欢迎持续关注~


英语阅读 | 《经济学人》读译参考 day1819
英语阅读| 《经济学人》读译参考 day1820


text 1821



holidays are a wonderful time to spend with friends and family, eating and sharing stories.whether you are celebrating at home, waiting at airports or spending time on trains, buses or cars, these situations can give you great chances to learn english.here are some ideas that you can use to improve your english over the holidays.podcasts:the learning english broadcast is a 30-minute daily podcast that features the audio from our main stories each day.listening to the podcast will help develop your ability to understand spoken english and keep you informed of news and information.once you have finished a program, tell someone what you have learned–tell them about an interesting story in english or your native language.either way, you are confirming your understanding of what you heard in english.




published materials:airports and train stations often have stores selling published materials.buy an english-language publication to read it while you are waiting or spending quiet time at a hotel or in a home.look at the images and read the lines below them.even if you do not understand all the words, you can use the images to help you understand some of them.later, you can use an online dictionary to look up the words you want to learn.conversation:while traveling, it is not unusual to see people from other countries who are also waiting or exploring a new place.if you hear someone asking for information in english, you might offer to help or simply greet them in english to talk.a friendly conversation is usually welcome as travelers share their experiences.


站往往有出售出版材料的商店。买一本英文出版物,当你们在等待或在酒店或家里度过安静的时光时,可以阅读它。看看里面的图片,读读图片下面的文字。即使并非所有的单词你们都能理解,你们也可以利用图片来 助你们理解其中的一些。之后,你们可以使用在线词典查找你们想要学习的单词。交谈:在旅行中,看到来自其他国家的人也在等待或探索一个新的地方并不罕见。如果你们听到有人用英语询问信息,你们可以主动提供 助,或者只是用英语跟他们打招呼。当旅行者分享他们的经历时,友好的交谈通常是受欢迎的。


writing about your day:writing about your day is a great way to practice your english writing skill.draw images of what you see or do in your travels and look up the english words for the places or events later if you cannot think of them at the time.using english to describe how you spent your holiday will help you to put new words to use and make them stay in your memory longer.and you will have a wonderful record of your travel to look at long after the holiday is over.we hope you enjoy your travels this year, especially as we have spent much time at home the past two years.if you must stay home this holiday, you can always spend more time with us here at voa learning english.i’m jill robbins.


写下你们的一天:写下你们的一天是练习英语写作技巧的好方法。把你们在旅行中看到或做过的事情画出来,如果你们当时想不起来表示这些地方或事件的英文单词的话,之后再去查。用英语描述你们如何度过你们的假期将会 助你们使用新单词,并让你们对它们保持更长时间的记忆。而且在假期结束后的很长一段时间里,你们将会有一份精彩的旅行记录供你们查看。我们希望你们今年旅行愉快,尤其是过去两年我们大部分时间都待在家里。如果这个假期你们必须待在家里,你们可以一直花更多的时间来收听voa慢速英语节目。吉尔·罗宾斯为您播报。



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