
2022年考研英语二阅读?text 1?
21. the climate-friendly eggs are produced?(? ? ? ).
[a] at a considerably low cost
[b] at the demand of regular shoppers
[c] as a replacement for organic eggs
[d] on specially designed farms

p1 用一个和谐的画面引出主题
? ? ? ? on a recent sunny day, 13,000 chickens?roam?over larry browns 40?windswept?acres in shiner, texas. some rest in the shade of a parked car. others drink water with the cows.this all seems random,?but its?by design, part of what the $6.1 billion u.s. egg industry bets will be its next big thing: climate-friendly eggs.?

? ? ? ? 在最近的一个阳光明媚的日子里,13,000 只鸡在拉里·布朗 (larry brown) 位于德克萨斯州希纳 (shiner) 的刮着大风的40 英亩地上漫步。有些在停着的汽车的阴影下休息。其他的则与奶牛一起喝水。这一切看似随意,但却是有意为之的,这是美国61亿美元鸡蛋行业押注的下一个风口的组成部分:气候友好型鸡蛋。

1.?roam:[r??m],动词,漫步;漫游;游荡;闲逛。它也可以表示抽象的“遨游”。比如六级就考过一个句子:for one, it deprives students of the luxury of time to?roam?intellectually. ?一方面,它剥夺了学生在学术里遨游的宝贵时间。

sweep可表示抽象的席卷,即(事件、思想、信仰)迅速传播,席卷。例句:a flu epidemic is?sweeping?through moscow. 流感正在莫斯科迅速蔓延。

3.?句法分析?this all seems random, but its?by design, part of what the $6.1 billion u.s. egg industry bets will be its next big thing: climate-friendly eggs.??
首先是由but连接的两个并列的小句子?this all seems random, but its by design。by design,设计出来的,有意为之的,相当于intentionally。
逗号后面,从语法角度而言,part of xxx 是一个短语修饰,说明前面这个有意为之的事情,如果改简单一点 part of a big plan,就很容易理解。但在原文中,of后面跟了一个由what引导的从句(介宾从句),就稍微复杂了一点。是什么的一部分呢?the $6.1 billion u.s. egg industry 61亿美元的美国鸡蛋行业押注的下一件大事,等同于我们所说的下一个风口。

p2 高级的技术,高价的鸡蛋
? ? ? ? these eggs, which are making their?debut?now on shelves for as much as $8 a dozen, are still labeled organic and animal-friendly, but theyre also from birds that live on farms using?regenerative?agriculture-special techniques to?cultivate?rich soils that can?trap?greenhouse gases.?such eggs could be marketed as helping to fight climate change.

? ? ? ? 这些鸡蛋在货架上首次亮相,每打售价高达 8 美元,仍然被贴上有机和动物友好的标签,但它们也来自使用再生农业的特殊技术来培育肥沃土壤的农场的鸟类,而这类土壤可以吸收温室气体。这种鸡蛋可以作为有助于应对气候变化的产品进行销售。

1.?debut:[?de?bju?],名词,首次登台,初次露面。词组 make ones debut。

2. regenerative:核心词为generate,动词,产生,导致。加了表示”再一次“的前缀re,以及形容词后缀 ive,变成了形容词regenerative,再生的。
回到generate,是一个高频考点词。来看一个考研真题的句子:the late richard hackman of harvard university once argued, i have no question that when you have a team, the possibility exists that it will?generate?magic, producing something extraordinary… but dont count on it. 哈佛大学已故的理查德哈克曼曾经说过,我毫不怀疑,当你有一个团队时,它有可能产生魔法,产生非凡的东西……但不要指望它。

3. ?cultivate:[?k?lt?ve?t],动词,种植,耕种,同时具有抽象的意思,表示”培养,逐渐形成“。比如:cultivating?a positive mental attitude towards yourself can reap tremendous benefits. 培养一种自信的积极心态会让人受益匪浅。
词根 cult 表示,同根词 agriculture 农业。

4.?trap,动词,基本含义为设陷阱捕捉,可引申为采集;储存;使存留,也算是熟词僻义了,再看一个例句巩固一下:the volume of gas?trapped?on these surfaces can be considerable. 存留在这些表面的气体体积可能相当大。

5.?句法分析? these eggs, which are making their?debut?now on shelves for as much as $8 a dozen, are still labeled organic and animal-friendly, but theyre also from birds that live on farms using?regenerative?agriculture-special techniques to?cultivate?rich soils that can?trap?greenhouse gases.?
前一部分 these eggs, which are making their debut now on shelves for as much as $8 a dozen, are still labeled organic and animal-friendly:主句当中插入了一个非限定性定语从句。主句,这些鸡蛋仍被标签为有机和动物友好。哪些鸡蛋呢?首次上架销售,价格是一打12美元。
后一部分 but theyre also from birds,很简单,复杂的是跟在后面的一连串修饰。(俄罗斯套娃既视感)
第一个?that live on farms,定语从句修饰birds.
第二个?using?regenerative?agriculture-special techniques to?cultivate?rich soils,ing形式的非谓语修饰farm,其中介词短语 to cultivate rich soils,表目的。
第三个?that can?trap?greenhouse gases,定语从句修饰rich soils。

21. the climate-friendly eggs are produced???(? ? ?).
[a] at a considerably low cost
[b] at the demand of regular shoppers
[c] as a replacement for organic eggs
[d] on specially designed farms

答案:[d] on specially designed farms。有两个地方均可锁定答案。一是p1中的but itre also from birds
that live on farms using regenerative agriculture-special techniques。

文中问题的答案:part of what the $6.1 billion u.s. egg industry bets will be its next big thing: climate-friendly eggs 中除了介宾从句以外的从句。
细心的你应该发现,在what后有两个谓语,bets和will be,根据语法,一个从句里也只能有一个谓语(并列除外),所以其中还省略了一个从句连接词。而从句的连接词能省略的,只有连接词在从句中做宾语的定语从句,所以我们可以把句子还原成 part of what (that the $6.1 billion u.s. egg industry bets) will be its next big thing,其中that是被省略的定语从句连接词,而括号内则是修饰what的定语从句。




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