
22考研英语一作文押题 (文末附电子版)m 老师 储蓄vs(超前, 过度)消费 saving money vs excessive spending 公平, 平等 fairness、equality 守成与创新 conventionvs innovation 周思成 榜样example 好奇心curiosity 科技的弊端 the drawbacks of technology 保护自然the conservation of nature 诚实honesty 全民嘘身 nationwide fitness 屠皓民 独立性independence – being independent 自信confidence 合作cooperation = collaboration = team spirit 乐观optimism = positive attitude 创新innovation = creativity = initiative 自律self-discipline=self- control 诚信integrity = honesty 有远见hold a prospective view 爱心love【捐款donate money献血blood donation搀扶老人support the elders让 座give seats to those in need慈善charity】 石雷鹏 父母不理性的期待parentsirrational expectation 诚信honesty 王江涛 健康fitness 手机游戏mobile games 读研/硕士学位masters degree 创新innovation 偶像崇拜idolworsh,p 传统文化 traditional culture 城市化urbanization 压力stress 机遇opportunity 梦想dreams 朱伟 坚持persistence 效率和质呈efficiency and quality 行动力executive force 孝心filial piety 正确目标correct goal 家庭教育 farnily education 绿色交通green transportation 节俭frugality 张剑 直播电商live streaming e-commerce 传统文化 traditional culture 傲慢 arrogance 双减政策the policy 联合培养joint training 22考研英语二作文押题 m老师 就业偏好(career preference)一愿景, 文化,行业,工资,职业发展 工资salary职业发展career development企业愿景vision,行业industry 获取新闻的渠道-自媒体、微博等社交平台, 官媒, 朋友圈 we media、social media platform, official media, moments 绿色通勤趋势(green commutes) 地铁, 公交、自行车、比重增加 屠皓民 日常生活开支daily expenses 本科生与研究生的就业i收入对比employment / incomes among undergraduates and graduates 研究生招生人数graduate school enrollment 研究生报考人数those entering for the postgraduate entrance examination 出国留学, 回国study abroad i return to china 运动量, 阅读釐the assessment of adults on how much they do physical exercises / read books 中国电影票房1观影人数the box-office receipts of chinese films i film-goer 美容产品, 整容beauty products / plastic surgery~ cosmetic surgery 数字阅读、纸质阅读 digital reading/ e-reading paper reading 张爽 人口老龄化the trend of aging populaton 中国游客出境人次the number of chinese tourists who travel abroad 移动支付mobile payments 王江涛 扶贫poverty alleviation 城市化urbanization 网上购物e-shopping 高等教育higher education 创业start ones own business 网络游戏web game 文化交流cultural exchange 偶像崇拜idol worship 硕士招生the recruitment of master 压力stress 朱伟 新生儿数量the number of newborns 毕业生数量the number of college graduates 交通偏好the transportation pref
erence 留学study abroad 在线教育online education 快递 express delivery 应届生找工作的考虑因素the factors for graduates to consider when looking for a job 选择购房城市的理由the reasons for choosing a city to buy a house 张剑 职场竞争competition in the workplace 职业培训vocational training 友好生态型消费者eco-friendly consumer 中外品牌chinese domestic brands i foreign brands 子女家庭教育支出house hold spending on kids education完整电子版:



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