

? ? unfolded in the given picture is an enlightening scene: a dragon boat competition is being fiercely held and greeted with peals of applause from spectators on the bridge.
among them is an old couple saying that the dragon boat festival has become more hilarious than before. their saying implies that dragon boat festival, a traditional festive occasion, is gaining booming popularity and growing publicity.

? ? obviously enough, the couple’s words indicate a transformation of people’s views on traditional culture, whose possible reasons can be analyzed as follows. initially, greater emphasis has been placed on cultural infrastructure establishment, creating more opportunities for individuals to involve themselves in cultural events. moreover, a host of polices to observe and preserve cultural traditions have emerged, which gradually help to raise people’s awareness of cultural inheritance. apart from that, it is notable that more people come to realize their responsibilities in inheriting conventional cultures and are more willing to be dedicated to it.

? ? personally, the mounting attention to dragon boat festival is just a foreshadow of more traditional cultures being highlighted in the modern society, making it one step closer to cultural revitalization and flourishment.?

对译 & 亮点词汇


?unfolded?in the given picture is an?enlightening?scene: a dragon boat competition is being fiercely held and greeted with peals of applause from?spectators?on the bridge. among them is an old couple saying that the dragon boat festival has become more?hilarious?than before. their saying implies that dragon boat festival, a traditional festive occasion, is gaining booming popularity and growing publicity.


unfold? [?n?f??ld]? v. 展开说明

enlightening?[?n’la?t?n]? adj. 富有启示的

spectator? [spek?te?t?r]? n. 观众

hilarious? [h??le?ri?s]? adj. 欢闹的



?obviously enough, the couple’s words indicate a transformation of people’s views on traditional culture, whose possible reasons can be analyzed as follows. initially, greater emphasis has been placed on cultural?infrastructure?establishment, creating more opportunities for?individuals?to involve themselves in cultural events. moreover,?a host of?polices to observe and preserve cultural traditions have emerged, which gradually help to raise people’s awareness of cultural inheritance. apart from that, it is?notable?that more people come to realize their responsibilities in inheriting?conventional?cultures and are more willing to be?dedicated?to it.


infrastructure? [??nfr??str?kt??r]? n. 基础设施

individual? [??nd?’v?d?u?l]? n. 个人

a host of 许多?

conventional? [k?n’ven??n?l]? a. 传统的

notable? [?n??t?b?l]? adj. 值得注意的是

dedicate??[?ded?ke?t]??v. 把…奉献给


?personally, the mounting attention to dragon boat festival is just a?foreshadow?of more traditional cultures being highlighted in the modern society, making it one step closer to cultural?revitalization?and?flourishment.



foreshadow? [f??(r)???d??]? n. 预兆

revitalization? [?ri:?va?t?la?’ze??n]? n. 复活,新生

flourishment? [?fl?r??m?nt]? n. 繁荣



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