考研作文终极预测(三)养老话题(考研作文 预测)

??“养老”话题该如何得到写作高分?一、当前现状引语:the trend towardsan ageing population in the world has had a dramatic impact on family structures and saving practices, leading to increased demands on health and welfare services. meanwhile, declining fertility ratesentail the cost of caring for ever more elderly people will fall on ever fewer shoulders.世界人口老龄化的趋势已经对家庭组成和储蓄类型带来严重影响,这导致社会对健康和福利服务的需求越来越大。与此同时,日益降低的生育率使为养老服务买单的费用落在少数的年轻人身上。?

二、养老方面的难题引语:the world is facing a retirement crisis. most experts agree that a significant portion of the population will lack the resources to live comfortably after they stop working. this, in turn, will place an increasing burden on the country’s social safety net. exactly how big is the problem? put it this way: under reasonable assumptions, it could overwhelm state budgets across countries.世界正面临着一场退休危机。很多专家都认为,很多人在退休后都将缺少获得舒适生活的资源,这是多数专家认同的事。这反过来将给国家的社会安全保障带来越来越大的负担。这个问题究竟有多严重呢?这么说吧:在合理的假设下,它可能会压垮各国的国家预算。事实论据:① it is well reported that the uk is facing a shortfall in money set aside to provide for long-term care. while the state can help in times of most critical need, the system has its problems and health authority funding can be a postcode lottery. local authorities are under enormous financial pressure in a time of continuing austerity and are becoming less able to assist. increasingly, it would appear that the government expects that the majority of individuals will need to provide for the costs of their own care and those of their relatives in the future.据报道,英国正面临养老金储备不足的问题,虽然政府会在特殊困难时期提供援助,但是政府的养老体制是存在问题的,而且养老资金可能受地区影响。当经济下降的时候,当地政府正在面临巨大的财政压力,没有能力为养老服务提供资助。政府越来越希望将来,个人能够为家人和亲属的医疗服务来买单。② demographic change brings big economic challenges. japan owes its sluggish growth in large measure to its shrinking population. if you look at the well-being of individual japanese people, however, the picture is far rosier. in the decade from 2010 to 2019, japan enjoyed the third-highest average rate of gdp growth per head in the g7, behind only germany and america.人口结构的变化带来了巨大的经济挑战。日本经济增长缓慢在很大程度上要归咎于人口的减少。然而,如果你看看日本人的个人幸福指数,情况要乐观得多。从2010年至2019年,这十年间日本的人均gdp增长率在七国集团(g7)中排名第三,仅次于德国和美国。③ in 2019 the public-pension system covered almost 1bn adults, more than any other such scheme in the world. the country’s main pension fund may run out of money by 2035, the chinese academy of social sciences, an official think-tank, has warned.2019年,中国公共养老金体系覆盖近10亿成年人,规模比世界上任何其他类似体系都要大。官方智库中国社会科学院提醒大家,到2035年,中国主要的养老基金可能会耗尽。④ care provision is expensive and these costs are going up rapidly each year. since 2012 the annual cost of the average residential home has risen by 23.7% from £27,404 to £33,904, and 2017 alone saw a rise of 10% from the previous year. this increase is also outstripping the incomes from pensions, which have risen around on average by 10% over the same 5 year period.护理费用昂贵,而且这些费用每年都在快速增长。自2012年以来,平均住宅的年成本从27404英镑增加到33904英镑,增长了23.7%,仅2017年就比上一年增长了10%。这一增长也超过了养老金收入,在同一五年间,养老金收入平均增长了10%
考研作文终极预测(三)养老话题(考研作文 预测)插图
。⑤ in addition to the financial and emotional pressures, there are many options for funding long-term care to consider and they can often be complicated to understand19. people will often have to make quick and difficult decisions about their own or a loved one’s care needs and with often changing policy around tax and inheritance issues20, it is harder for people to make informed decisions. long-term care canimpose a financial strain on any family21, and seeking the right solution is crucial.除了经济和情感上的压力,养老服务的另一个难题是条款和选择众多,很难理解哪一个选择更好。人们不得不在多变的政策和继承条例的局面下做出快速的决策,很难做到考虑周全。长期的养老服务给任何一个家庭都施加重压,应该尽早考虑如何应对。?

三、各国的应对举措具体介绍:① people can reduce the shortfall by working beyond the age of 65, the cutoff that the center uses for its calculation. many already do: as of december, about a third of people aged 65 to 69 were employed. but there are limits. it’s much harder for, say, a truck driver to work until 70 than it is for a college professor. and even if half of all workers kept going past 65, the share of the population “at risk” would fall only to about a third. that’s still a terrible outcome for one of world’s richest nations.人们可以将工作时间延长到65岁(研究中心用于计算的分界线),来弥补退休金的缺口。许多人已经采取了这样的做法。截至12月,65至69岁群体中约有三分之一的人处于就业状态。但这是有限制的。比方说,一个卡车司机工作到70岁,比一个大学教授工作到70岁要难得多。即使有一半的工作者一直工作到65岁以上,有“退休风险”的人口比例也只会下降到原来的三分之一左右。对于美国这个世界上最富有的国家之一来说依旧不容乐观。② one study estimates that by 2030, seniors will require an added $7 billion in public assistance annually in the state of new jersey alone. that’s almost a fifth of the current state budget.? what to do? people can work only so long, and they’re not going to die sooner. this leaves one solution: get them to save more.?一项研究估计,到2030年,仅在新泽西州,老年人每年就需要增加70亿美元的公共援助。这几乎占到了目前该州财政预算的五分之一。该做些什么?人们的工作年限是有限的,他们也并不会很快去世。这就只剩一种解决办法:让大家存更多的钱。③ on april 21st the state council, china’s cabinet, released a set of guidelines on private personal pensions, instructing ministries to launch more pilot projects, then roll out schemes nationwide.4月21日,国务院发布了一系列关于个人养老金的指导方针,指示各部启动更多试点项目,然后在全国范围内推广。④ solutions are needed to tackle the issue, and these include increasing the retirement age, encouraging people to save for the future, persuading skilled and educated migrants to fill labour shortages, or even convincing people to have more children.解决这一问题需要相应方案,其中包括提高退休年龄、鼓励人们为未来储蓄、说服技术熟练和受过教育的移民填补劳动力短缺,甚至说服人们生育更多孩子。????



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