
购买12月四六级冲刺班,点击下方商品卡片即可报名,跳转领券即可享受优惠,61个课时,单词听力阅读翻译作文解题技巧,真题带练 ?预测99元 ??




directions:?read the following excerpt from an article and write an essay. in your essay, you should explain whether or to what extent you agree with the author. support your argument with reasons and relevant examples.

write your answer in about 150 words on the answer sheet. (15 points)

many parents look for some sort of reward system that might help improve their children on a test, their desire to learn will depend on whether there is a prize. as a result, it becomes very difficult for them to develop interest in learning itself and the internal motivation to learn.


this is a simple but enlightening excerpt of an article, in whic
h the author argues that incentive-based parenting can be effective at home for the short term, but will become a problem in the long run. although i have no children, i cannot agree more with it.

to my understanding, one?growth and progress.

accordingly, all parents should bear in mind that internal motivation cultivates interest in learning. if parents intend to see childrens internal motivation.

这是一篇简单但有启发性的文章节选,作者在文中指 出,短期来看,这种奖励式教育在家里是有效的,但从长远 来看会引发问题。虽然我没有孩子,但我完全同意。

在我看来,一个人的内在动力可以看作通往成功的钥 匙。我就是一个典型的例子。作为一名正在准备考研的大四 学生,我坚持认为,正是内在动力让我可以每天刻苦学习, 积累足够的知识和能力来实现梦想。然而,在现实中,许多 目光短浅的家长可能只寻求所谓的奖励机制来鼓励孩子。这 种现象特别值得关注,因为如果没有奖励,孩子们便无法一 直保持积极的行为。也就是说,从长远来看,这种奖励机制 可能会成为一种障碍,阻碍青少年成长和进步。

因此,所有家长都应牢记,内在动力培养了对学习本身 的兴趣。如果父母想看到孩子不断成长,他们应该激发孩子 的内在动力。


given is an excerpt of/from an article, clearly illustrating the author’s idea about the reward system in parenting. the writer argues that?incentive-based parenting can be effective at home for the short term, but will become a problem in the long run. although i have no children, i cannot agree more with it.

such an excerpt, apparently, can be associated with the significance of internal motivation for children’s growth. for one thing, nearly all parents are characterized by the fact that they expect their children to grow, progress and succeed, which enables them to adopt various reward systems to inspire the kids to work hard. however, compared with the so-called reward, one’s inner motivation is more significant, which can bring us great desire? to learn, arouse our passion for the promising future and help them keep moving forward.?

accordingly, it is not advisable for parents to merely reward the children when they receive excellent scores. instead, they are supposed to guide the young to foster the long-term motivation by setting a bigger goal or learning from high achievers.(180words)


显然,这样的摘录可以与孩子成长的内在动机的重要性联系起来。一方面,几乎所有父母的特点是,他们希望孩子成长、进步和成功,这使他们能够采用各种奖励制度来激励孩子努力。然而,与所谓的奖励相比,一个人的内在动机更为重要,它能给我们带来巨大的学习欲望,激发我们对充满希望的未来的激情, 助他们永远不停下前进的脚步。




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