
26.scientific publishing is seen as“a licence to print money partly because______
be seen as,be regarded as,be considered as;think of as把…认作;
27.?according to paragraphs 2 and 3,scientific publishers?like?elsevier have_____(是快速阅览题)
scientific publishers在1、2、3段全说到,断定其老迈方位。
根据中心论,跟着老迈:elsevier 怎么地挣到钱了。
like=such as
28.?how does the author feel about the success of?sci-hub?______(?由sci-hub可知是快速阅览题)
根据中心论,跟着老迈:the success of?sci-hub,sci-hub的成功,作者感遭到sci-hub.与出书、挣钱的联络
29.it can be learned from paragraphs 5 and 6 that open access terms_____
it是方法主语,真实主语是that open access terms
根据中心论,跟着老迈:open access terms与出书、挣钱的联络
30.which of the following characteristics the scientific publishing model?______
由26可知:文中讲的中心是“科学出书一向是一本万利的作业”,是老迈。27?elsevie挣钱。28.?sci-hub?29。open access terms与出书、挣钱的联络。30.科学出书方法具有以下哪些特征:与钱有关,不信如今就找答案。
29.it can be learned from paragraphs 5 and 6 that open access terms_____
[a]allow publishers some room to make money.
[b]render publishing much easier for scientists.
[c]reduce the cost of publication substantially
[d]free universities from financial burdens.
与挣钱的直接联络是a.allow sb.to do sth.让他去干挣钱的狡计。
30.which of the following characteristics the scientific publishing model?______
[a]trial subscription is offered.
[b]labour triumphs over status.
[c]costs are well controlled.
[d]the few feed on the many.
留心:feed on以…为食
(2009年考研阅览新题型)historical particularism became a dominant approach to the study of culture in american anthropology, largely through the?influence of many students of boas.
approach [??pr??t?] v.接近,走近n.办法; 途径;
approach to接近;
?we have a very communicative approach to teaching languages. ?
比方:everything depends on attitude.情绪抉择悉数。译时要留心。
26.scientific publishing is seen as“a licence to print money partly because______
[a]its funding has enjoyed a steady increase.其资金一向在稳步地增加
[b]its marketing strategy has been successful.其推广战略一向很成功
[c]its payment for peer review is reduced.其同行评定的费用削减了
[d]its content acquisition?costs nothing.其内容的获取不需要任何费用
a、b文中没有提及。[c]its payment for peer review is reduced.其同行评定的费用是免费的,并非是削减了。
反思:由二段的第一句with the content of papers secured for free(因为期刊内容是免费获得的),它承受了第一段,也就是说第一段的首要内容是“期刊内容是免费获得的”。得出:考研的出题不是考细节,而是考主旨的。这就需求咱们必定要读懂作者在说啥,也就是“听懂出题人的话”。
key words:a licence to print money打印钱银的答应证;to归于,the key to the door;the solution to this problem;the window to the word
peer review同行检查;(2008,2021年,2015年,2021年)
peer?pressure [pi? ?pre??] 同辈压力
age peer同龄人
peer [p??(r)]?vi.凝视; 盯着看
review [r??vju:]回想, 温习;(re(back)+view看,查→n.&v.回想, 温习)
①scientific publishing has long been a?licence to print money. scientists need journals in which to publish their research,?so they will supply the articles without monetary?reward.other scientists perform the specialised work of peer?review?also for free,because it is a central element in the acquisition of status?and the production of scientific knowledge.
要害注释:scientists need journals in which to publish their research。in which to publish their research是定语从句的一种简略方法,可复原为 in which they would to publish their research。
monetary [?m?n?tri]adj.钱银的,金钱的
some countries tighten monetary policy to avoid inflation.一些国家实施紧缩银根的钱银方针,以避免通货胀大。
27.according to paragraphs 2 and 3,scientific publishers elsevier?have_____
[a]thrived mainly on university libraries.首要依托大学图书馆昌盛打开
[b]gone through an existential crisis..阅历了生计危机
[c]revived the publishing industry.重振了出书业
[d]financed researchers generously.大方地赞助了研讨人员
解析一:with the content of papers secured for free,the publisher needs only find a market for its journal.因为期刊内容是免费获得的,所以出书商只需为其期刊寻找商场。而university libraries were not very price sensitive。人傻钱多,这钱就挣定了。而第三段是为这个观念背书。publishers elsevier不重要,是个小罗罗,是个跟屁虫。是为观念效能的。
②with the content of papers secured for free,the publisher needs only find a market for its journal.until this century, university libraries were not very price sensitive.scientific publishers routinely report?profit margins?approaching 40% on their operations,at a time when the rest of the publishing industry is in an existential?crisis.
with the content of papers secured for free,the publisher needs only find a market for its journal.
key words:secure [s??kj??(r)] vt.维护; (使)获得; 使平安; 担保; ( cure=care,标明 .“原音交换,词意不变”。se=free from,不必关怀的。)
sensitivity [?sens??t?v?ti]?n.活络,感触性;(sens=feel,标明)(sensitive活络的+ity…性。)
?profit margins?n.获利率
margin [?mɑ:d??n]n.边缘,规模;极限
existential [?egz??sten??l]adj.有关存在的,存在主义的
exist [?ɡ?z?st]v.存在; 生计;(e=out;xist=sist=sit)(站在外面)
crisis ?[?kra?s?s]n.危机;危殆关头
critic [?kr?t?k] n.批判家;谈论家;谈论员;批判者;对立者
criticism ?[?kr?t?s?z?m] n.批判,批判;责备(对书、戏曲等的)谈论
③the dutch giant elsevier,which claims to publish 25% of the scientific papers produced in the world, made profits of more than £900m last year,while uk universities alone spent more than £210m in 2016 to enable researchers to access their own publicly funded research;both figures seem to rise unstoppably despite increasingly desperate efforts to change them.
which claims to publish 25% of the scientific papers?produced in the world?。
由which引导的非限制性定语从句,弥补阐明 the dutch giant elsevier。
desperate [?desp?r?t] adj.拼命的; 孤注一掷的; 极需要的(de=away;sper=breath,-ate后缀)
prosperity [pr??sper?ti]昌盛,兴隆(sper=breath)
28.how does the author feel about the success of sci-hub?______
题干要害信息为: the success of sci-hub。首要回到四段②句。该句指出,seci-hub的成功有赖于研讨者们对自个合法获取的副本的传达,这标明合法的生态体系现已在其用户中失掉了正统性,因而有必要进行变革,这样它才干为一切参加者效能。可见作者对 sci-hub的成功持否定情绪,认为其有必要进行变革,a选项(令人宽慰的)和d选项(煽悦耳心的)均带有正面情感颜色,故都打扫。而作者清楚指出了 sci-hub成功的缘由,可见作者对其成功并不利诱,故打扫b选项;由此可初步判别c选项正确。
(4)the most?drastic, and thoroughly illegal, reaction has been the emergence?of sci-hub,a kind of global photocopier for scientific papers,set up in 2012, which now claims to offer access to every paywalled article published since 2015.the success of sci-hub,?which relies on researchers passing on copies they have themselves legally accessed,shows?the legal?ecosystem has lost legitimacy among its users and must be transformed so that it works for all participants.
the success of sci-hub, which relies on researchers passing on copies they have themselves legally accessed,??shows(that)?the legal ecosystem has lost?legitimacy among its users and must be transformed so that it works for all participants.
the success of sci-hub是主语,shows是谓语;后边省掉了that 宾语从句,the legal ecosystem has lost?legitimacy among is users and must be transformed,?has lost与must be transformed是并排谓语。so that it works for all participants.是目地状语。
?which relies on researchers passing on copies (which)they have themselves legally accessed.非限制性定语从句
reaction [ri??k?n]n.反应(才能); 不良反应(re反+act行为)
emergence [?m?:d??ns] n 闪现,呈现(emerge+ence)
ecology [i?k?l?d?i] n.生态学; 社会生态学(研讨环境的学问)
economic [?i:k??n?m?k] adj.经济的; 经济学的
legitimacy[l?( leg,legis=law.-acy 表名词,“性质,状况”)(s与t通假)
legal [?li?ɡl] adj.法令的; 合法的;(leg1. =law,标明)
★transform [tr?ns?f?:m] v.改动;改换(trans=across;form形状)
29.it can be learned from paragraphs 5 and 6 that open access terms_____
[a]allow publishers some room to make money.
[b]render publishing much easier for scientists.
[c]reduce the cost of publication substantially
[d]free universities from financial burdens.
(2008年)open access terms翻开造访条款
题干要害信息为: paragraphs5and6和 open access terms。首要回到五段6句。该句说到,英国一半以上的科研作用都是以翻开获取的方法宣告的:要么从宣告那一刻起就可以免费获取,要么在一年或更长时刻内经过网络付费获取,以使出书商在揭露发行前获利。由此可知,翻开获取的方法可以让出书商有一些挣钱的空间,故a选项正确。
(5)in britain the move towards open access publishing has been driven by funding bodies.in some ways it has been very successful.more than half of all british scientific research is now published under open access terms: either freely available from the moment of publication,or paywalled for a year or more so that the publishers can make a profit before being placed on general release.
yet the new system has not worked out any cheaper for the universities.publishers have responded to the demand that they make their product free to readers by charging their writers fees to cover the costs of preparing an article. these range from around £500 to $5,000.a report last year pointed out that the costs both of subscriptions and of these“article preparation costs had been steadily rising at a rate above?inflation.in some ways the scientific publishing model resembles the economy of the social internet:labour is provided free in exchange for the hope of status,while huge profits are made by a few big firms who run the market places.in both cases,we need a rebalancing of power.
?inflation [?n?fle??n]n.胀大; 通货胀大(2014、2021、2021年考过)
monopoly[m??n?p?li]n.独占; 专卖(mono单个,一个+poly卖)
30.which of the following characteristics the scientific publishing model?______
[a]trial subscription is offered.
[b]labour triumphs over status.
[c]costs are well controlled.
[d]the few feed on the many.
题干要害信息为: characteristics the scientific publishing model。首要回到六段5句,题干要害信息与该句中的 the scientific publishing model resembles相对应。该句指出,在某些方面科学出书方法类似于社会网络经济:免费供给劳作力以交流获得方位的期望,而巨额获利则由少量运营该商场的大公司赚取。the few feed on the many正确。



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