21年考研英语(一)写作解析 – 哔哩哔哩(21年考研英语一真题解析)

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收购12月四六级冲刺班,点击下方产品卡片即可报名,跳转领券即可享受优惠,61个课时,单词听力阅览翻译作文解题技巧,真题带练 ?猜测99元 ?

51.directions:?one foreign friend of yours has recently graduated from college and intends to find a job in china. please write an email to him/her to make some suggestions.
you should write about 100 words on the answer sheet.
do not use your own name in the email. use “li ming” instead. (10 points)
?dear sky,?
? ? as your friend, i am quite pleased to hear that you intend to find a job in china and today, i am writing to make several suggestions.?
? ? ?first, it is advisable for you to seek a job in beijing, the capital city of china, which is characterized by abundant employment opportunities. in addition, compared with others, you, as a native english speaker, have more advantages in teaching english and you have been working as a part-time teacher during the past years. thus, i deem that you?are supposed to?apply for a teaching position in training organizations.?
?? ? i deem that your excellent teaching will bring chinese students great efficiency, arouse their passion for?learning and help them speak eng
21年考研英语(一)写作解析 – 哔哩哔哩(21年考研英语一真题解析)插图
lish fluently.
yours sincerely,?
li ming
? ? ?作为您的兄弟,我很高兴传闻您方案来我国找作业。今日,我写信提点主张。
? ? ?首要,你大约来北京找作业,北京是我国的首都,其杰出特征就是作业机缘许多。此外,与其别人比较,作为母语是英语的人,您在教英语方面具有许多优势而且曩昔的这几年,你还一向兼职做英语教师。因而,我认为您大约在培训机构申请教育岗位。
? ? 我信赖你超卓的教育将会给我国学生带来功率,引发他们对英语的热心,并协助他们流利说英语。
part b
52.directions:?write an essay of 160–200 words based on the pictures below. in your essay, you should?
1) describe the pictures briefly,
2) interpret the implied meaning, and
3) give your comments.
write your answer on the answer sheet. (20 points) ?

this is a simple but enlightening cartoon, in which there is a youngster, with great disappointment on his face, complaining, “i want to learn the traditional opera, but my friend tells?me that it is boring.” then, his father encourages him, “what does matter is that you like it.”(it is significant for you to do what you like.)
the father’s encouragement, apparently, can be associated to the significance of sticking to one’s dream. to my understanding, successful figures are characterized by their various merits, such as their optimism, confidence, diligence and independent thinking. however, in reality, a host of young people tend to be?affected by others’ opinions and even give up what they really want. this phenomenon is particularly worth attention?for the reason that they pay excessive attention to what others say, ignoring the importance of adhering to their own thoughts. in fact, this negative state of mind has constituted an obstacle that hinders their progress and growth.??
i, as a college student, deem that it is of great necessity for us to do what we like, which can bring us power, arouse our passion for striving and help us eventually achieve dreams. everyone should bear in mind that it is our perseverance not others’ comments that leads to our own success and a promising future.?




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