真题词组打卡Day3考研英语2007年重难点词组(真题词汇 百度网盘)


?part 1?
请说明加粗词组的意义。词组均为真题词组,语境非真题原文。查询在陌生语境中是不是可以辨认词组。1. the poor weather may have?accounted for?the small crowd.?

account for?是……的说明(或缘由)


2. overproduction,?coupled with?falling sales, has led to huge losses for the company.?

(be) coupled with?与……联系


3. they have?taken to?staying up late at night.

take to?初步从事;构成……的习气


4.?high achievers?always focus on something important.

high achiever?成果(或成果)优良的人


5. im just an?average?joe.

average joe?一般人


6.?he was 27 but had a?mental?age?of between six and ten.


7. can i?count?on?your loyalty??

count on?期望,盼望


8. the task of the organization is to?ensure?fair play?when food is distributed to the refugees.

fair play?按规则竞赛;公正就事


9. it was his third?pink slip?this year.?

pink slip?辞退告诉单


10. well?look?at?these issues in detail in the following sections.

look at?思考;思考;研讨


11. one?side?effect?of modern life is stress.?

side effect?意外的连带成果


12. firms are starting to?lay?off?staff and cut pay.?

lay (sb. ) off?辞退(或人),解聘(或人)


13. welfare is the only real?safety net?for low-income workers.?

safety net?(防备意外的)保证办法;平安网


14. can i leave early this afternoon and?make up?the time tomorrow?

make up?补上(失掉的东西);作出抵偿


15. the government?insisted?that?it?would not?be panicked?into?interest rate?cuts.

interest rate?利率

16. the?groups?problems?have?led?to?speculation that?heads will roll.

heads will roll?有些人将(为某事)遭到赏罚

17. cases which have not been handled properly should be?put right.

put right?纠正,改正;恢复次序


18.?on behalf of?the department i would like to thank you all.

on behalf of?代表(或替代)或人


19. we dont want this document?falling into the wrong hands.

fall/get into sb.’s hands?受制于或人;被或人控制


20. this?state of affairs?will not last long.

真题词组打卡Day3考研英语2007年重难点词组(真题词汇 百度网盘)插图
ate of affairs?事态;情况;局势


21. several letters?went astray?or were not delivered.

go astray?丢掉;被盗


22. he plans to?make the rounds?on uk news channels to plead his case.

do/make the rounds?(为找作业或寻求对政治运动的撑持等)到遍地去,巡回


?part 2 真题语境?



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