


para 1: 简略阐明辞去职务的恳求。

para 2: 表达怅惘或感谢,并具体阐明辞去职务缘由。

para 3:期望对方附和辞呈,表达夸姣祝福。


1. i am writing this letter for the purpo查找引擎优化f my decision to resign my current position in
this company.

2. i am sorry to inform you of my decisionto resign my current position as an assistant in this company.

3. i am much grateful to be employed by youtwo months ago as a ….

4. i appreciate the opportunity of havingworked here with you and other colleagues. the experiences will beunforgettable throughout my life.

5. however, after a month work, iunfortunately find the job is quite far from my expectations.

6. i have to say that my salary is far fromsatisfying, which barely sustains me in this expensive city.

7. moreover, so far i have never had theresponsibility of any challenging task.

8. i find my present job doesn’t fall inwith my previous training and strength.

9. i would like to take this opportunity toexpress my gratitude to you for the rewarding experience that i have achievedduring my employment.

10. i sincerely wish you could approve of myresignation, and i apologize in advance for any inconvenience thus caused.


para 1: 标明写作意图(给出主张)

para 2:写明具体主张,2~3点。口气要谦让礼貌。

para 3: 谢谢对方对函件的重视,期望主张对对方有协助。


1. i am writing this letter for the purpo查找引擎优化f making some suggestions concerning…

2. i am writing this letter to draw your attentionto the fact that …. i will try to make some conductive/ helpfulrecommendations concerning…

3. i would like to suggest that…

4. it would be beneficial that…

5. it is proposed/ suggested that…

6. in my humble opinion, you would be wiseto take the following action…

7. to begin with,… also, …plus,…

8. i hope you will find these proposalsuseful, and i would be ready to discuss this matter with you about furtherdetails.

9.your prompt attention to this emailwould be highly appreciated.

10.i hope you will find theseproposals/suggestions/ recommendations practical.


para 1: 扼要写明投诉的首要疑问。

para 2: 写明投诉缘由、具体疑问、处置方案或期望抵偿方法。

para 3: 写明自个联络方法,客套一下,标志性标明谢谢。


1. i am writing to express my complaintagainst…

2. i am writing to complain about the poorservice of your…. ihave been pleased with your services for years, but now i feel verydisappointed.

3. there are mainly two/three reasons formy dissatisfaction with…

4. for one thing… foranother thing… what’smore…

5. 具体疑问:faulty products/ bad service/ delayeddelivery/ loyal customer/ after-sale service/ customer service department…

6. i claim to exchange it for another newone or declare a refund.

7. i strongly request that a satisfactoryexplanation be given and effective measures should be taken to improve yourservice and the quality of your products.

8. it would be highly appreciated if youcould take my problems into careful consideration and give your due attention.

9. i am looking forward to your promptreply.


para 1:阐明写作意图以及与收信人的联络。



1. i am writing this letter for the purpo查找引擎优化f inviting you to…

2. i am writing on behalf of … toinvite you to give a lecture/ deliver a speech on the topic of …in…

3. it would be highly appreciated/ obligedif you could…

4. i am sure that it would be immenselybeneficial to all of us if you would consider giving us an update on this.

5. an appreciation dinner party will beheld by…at xx hotel on october 10, 2021.

6. will you come and join s wo share thepleasure of …?

7. during your stay in our university, wewould like to offer you accommodation arrangements, which are free of charge,schedule planning and activity program.

8. i hope you have no previous engagementand we would meet there for the enjoyable evening.

9. we would highly appreciate it if youcould confirm your participation at your earliest convenience.

10.we would be looking forward to yourcoming with great pleasure.


para 1: 表达得知喜讯的激动高兴之情。

para 2: 对喜讯的活泼评价(夸奖)。

para 3: 再次表达恭喜以及对将来的夸姣祝福。


1. i am writing this letter for the purpo查找引擎优化f congratulating you on…. i am proud greatly of what you have achieved.

2. all of us feel proud of your remarkableachievements.

3. allow us/ me to give most sincerecongratulations on this exciting occasion.

4. facing your brilliant achievement, iwill never forget your painstaking labor and excellent ability.

5. thus, i compliment on your success and iam looking forward to your bright future.

6. please accept my most sincerecongratulations on your success. may all the years ahead fulfill all your hopesand dreams.


para 1: 简略重述自个做错的事,并诚挚标明抱愧。

para 2: 阐明抱愧的具体缘由,情绪诚笃,可以提出抵偿办法。

para 3: 再次表达抱愧,恳求对方谅解。


1. i am writing this letter for the purpo查找引擎优化f apologizing to you for…

2. had i paid more attention then, i wouldn’thave made such a mistake.

3. now something must be done to solve theproblem.

4. first of all,…moreover, … lastbut not least…

5. i sincerely hope you can understand mysituation and accept my apologies.

6. i sincerely wish you could understand mysituation and accept my apology, and i apologize in advance for anyinconvenience thus caused.


para 1: 标明写作意图,阐明这封信想问啥方面的信息。

para 2: 就某一具体疑问问询。

para 3: 供给自个联络方法,表达谢谢,期盼回复。


1. i am writing this letter for the purpo查找引擎优化f inquiring about some necessary information regarding…

2. i am writing this letter in hope of yourassist to …

3. i would be very grateful if you could bekind enough to provide me essential information about the above-mentionedaspects.

4. your prompt and favorable attention tomy inquiry would be highly appreciated. i am looking forward to your earlyreply.

5. thank you for taking the time toconsider my request.

6. you can reach me at 6666668 or via emailat….



date: october 1st,2021

to: professorzhang

from: linda

subject: thearrangement of meeting





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