
原标题:考研英语外刊 | 极点气候不再极点





freakish weather is becoming increasingly common in australia

【para.1】the wilsons river broke itsbanks on the night of february 27th while lismore, a town of around 30,000 in new south wales, was sleeping. its residents snoozed through early-hours emergency warnings that “risk to life [was] imminent”. within hours the town was submerged. residents scrambled into their attics. mothers carried children onto rooftops. an army of locals launched tin boats into the floods to save them. four people died.

【para.2】eastern australia has been hammered by what politicians call “once-in-1,000-year” flooding. it has already had a soggysummer because of la ni?a, a phenomenon which triggers downpours there. then on february 23rd, meteorologists warned that an area of low pressure was forming over southern queensland. it sucked moisture from the sea, forming an “atmospheric river” over the east coast. it has dumped biblical quantities of water ever since.

【para.3】brisbane, queensland’s capital, received almost 80% of its annual rainfall in less than a week in february, flooding 15,000 homes. as the rain edgedinto northern new south wales, it ripped up roads and drowned herds of cattle. storms lashed sydney on march 8th, causing a dam to spill over. some 50,000 people in the state have been forced to evacuate. as the economist went to press, 21 people had died in flooding in the two states.

【para.4】scientists are waryof blaming floods on global warming because everything from rainfall to urban development contributes to them. they disagree, too, about whether climate change is a factor in this kind of never-ending downpour. no matter the cause, extreme weather is now a regular occurrence in australia. new south wales was buffeted by
its last “once-in-100-year” floods, which submerged western sydney, just a year ago. in 2021 and 2021 vast tracts of the country were torched in bushfires which destroyed more than 3,000 homes and killed 33 people. unlucky towns such as lismore have in recent years been hit by both fire and floods.


freakish a. very strange, unusual or unexpected 新鲜的;异常的;意外的freakish weather/behaviour 异常的气候;新鲜的行为

bank n. the side of a river, canal , etc. and the land near it 岸;河畔
he jumped in and swam to the opposite bank. 他跳下水,游到对岸。

soggy a. wet and soft, usually in a way that is unpleasant 湿而软的;湿润的;受潮的
we squelched over the soggy ground. 咱们咕唧咕唧地走过泥泞的土地。

edge v. [ + adv./prep. ] to move or to move sth slowly and carefully in a particular direction (使)慢慢移动,逐渐移动
she edged a little closer to me. 她逐渐地向我接近了一些。

wary a. ~ (of sb/sth)|~ (of doing sth) careful when dealing with sb/sth because you think that there may be a danger or problem (对待人或事物时)留心的,稳重的,留心的,留心翼翼的
people did not teach their children to be wary of strangers. 我们早年没教过自个的孩子们要防备陌生人。

【声明】:这篇文章原文摘选自 march 12th–18th 2022 | asia,原文版权归杂志一切,仅供自个学习交流运用。






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