
??1.challenge??????? ?????? ?????? ?????? n.应战

2.go unmentioned?? ????? ?????? ?????? 不被提及

3.come for???????? ????? ?????? ?????? 来强行带走

4.presidential?campaign ?????? 总统大选

5.dismiss????????? ???? ?????? ?????? v.回绝思考,不承受

6.automate????????????? ?????? ?????? v.使主动化

7.disproportionately? ???? ?????? ?????? ad.不成比例地

8.squeeze?????????????? ?????? ?????? v.揉捏,克扣

9.at high risk of???? ???? ?????? ?????? 处于高风险中

10.appeal to?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? 招引

11.alarmist??????? ?????? ?????? ?????? a.耸人听闻

12.upheaval??????? ????? ?????? ?????? n.剧变,骚动

13.luddite???????? ???? ?????? ?????? n.卢德分子,对立新技能的人

14.mechanize?????? ???? ?????? ?????? v.机械化

15.loom?????????????? ?????? ?????? n.织布机

16.go well??????? ?????? ?????? 令人满足

17.drive down????? ????? ?????? ?????? 压低

18.rethink???????? ????? ?????? ?????? v.反思

19.curriculum????? ????? ?????? ?????? n.学校等的悉数课程

20.supplement????? ???? ?????? ?????? v.弥补,辅佐

21.affordable????? ?????? ?????? a.(金钱、时刻)能担负得起的

22.underline??????? ???? ?????? ?????? v.突显,偏重

23.fade??????????? ???? ?????? ?????? v.衰退

24.dynamism??????? ?? ?????? ?????? n.活力,劲头

25.era???????????????? ?????? ?????? n.年代

26.transition???????? ?? ?????? ?????? n.过渡,变迁

27.dream up??????? ???? ?????? ?????? 想象,想出不一样寻常的方案、主见

28.subsidy????????? ??? ?????? ?????? n.补助,补助金

29.boost??????????? ?? ?????? ?????? n.推进,添加

30.threaten to do sth????? ??? ?????? 有……风险,可以会构成

31.earned income tax credit???? ?????? (缩写为eitc,所得税抵扣)

32.upend?????????? ??? ?????? ?????? v.翻倒,推翻

33.nuts???????????? ?? ?????? ?????? a.发狂的,发疯的

34.dispensable?????? ??? ?????? ?????? a.必不可以少的

among the annoying challenges facing the middleclass is one that will probably go unmentioned in the next presidentialcampaign: what happens when the robots come for their jobs?

 don’t dismissthat possibility entirely. about half of u.s. jobs are at high risk of beingautomated, according to a university of oxford study, with the middle classdisproportionately squeezed. lower-income jobs like gardening or day care don’tappeal to robots. but many middle-class occupations—trucking, financialadvice, software engineering — have aroused their interest, or soon will. therich own the robots, so they will be fine.

 this isn’t tobe alarmist. optimists point out that technological upheaval has benefitedworkers in the past. the industrial revolution didn’t go so well for ludditeswhose jobs were displaced by mechanized looms, but it eventually raised livingstandards and created more jobs than it destroyed. likewise, automation shouldeventually boost productivity, stimulate demand by driving down prices, andfree workers from hard, boring work. but in the medium term, middle-classworkers may need a lot of help adjusting.

 the firststep, as erik brynjolfsson and andrew mcafee argue in the second machine age,should be rethinking education and job training. curriculums —from grammarschool to college- should evolve to focus less on memorizing facts and more oncreativity and complex communication. vocational schools should do a better jobof fostering problem-solving skills and helping students work alongside robots.online education can supplement the traditional kind. it could make extratraining and instruction affordable. professionals trying to acquire new skillswill be able to do so without goin
g into debt.

 the challengeof coping with automation underlines the need for the u.s. to revive its fadingbusiness dynamism: starting new companies must be made easier. in previous erasof drastic technological change, entrepreneurs smoothed the transition bydreaming up ways to combine labor and machines. the best uses of 3d printersand virtual reality haven’t been invented yet. the u.s. needs the new companiesthat will invent them.

finally, because automation threatens to widenthe gap between capital income and labor income, taxes and the safety net willhave to be rethought. taxes on low-wage labor need to be cut, and wagesubsidies such as the earned income tax credit should be expanded: this wouldboost incomes, encourage work, reward companies for job creation, and reduceinequality.

technology will improve society in ways big andsmall over the next few years, yet this will be little comfort to those whofind their lives and careers upended by automation. destroying the machinesthat are coming for our jobs would be nuts. but policies to help workers adaptwill be indispensable.


21.who willbe most threatened by automation?

[a]leading politician

[b]low-wage laborers.

[c]robot owners.

[d]middle-class workers.

22. which ofthe following best represent the author’s view?

[a]worries about automation are in factgroundless.

[b]optimists’ opinions on new tech find littlesupport.

[c]issues arising from automation need to be tackled

[d]negative consequences of new tech can beavoided

23.educationin the age of automation should put more emphasis on __________.

[a]creative potential.

[b]job-hunting skills.

[c]individual needs.

[d]cooperative spirit.

24.the authorsuggests that tax policies be aimed at __________.

[a] encouraging the development of automation.

[b] increasing the return on capital investment.

[c] easing the hostility between rich and poor.

[d] preventing the income gap from widening.

25.in thistext, the author presents a problem with __________.

[a]opposing views on it.

[b]possible solutions to it.

[c]its alarming impacts.

[d]its major variations.????



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