
the virtual world has turned us into “phubbers”, blinding us to this colorful world.
making scientific breakthroughs would demand much patience, hard work and sacrifice.
excessive use of mobile phones will drain us, making it difficult for us to focus on the task at hand.
driverless technology eliminates the need for people to concentrate on driving for long periods of time.
due to the lack of supervision of online comments, many innocent people are enduring cyberbullying and have nowhere to complain.
the widespread use of the internet has given people more access to information and the right to speak, which can erode the authority of experts.
there are always some people who exaggerate the problems brought by technology, while ignoring the benefits it brings.
the development of science and technology requires the joint efforts of the global community, so countries should not be excluded from international science programs for economic or religious reasons.
whenever people start to worry that our limited energy resources is about to be exhausted, new energy technologies emerge, which have a profound impact on the economy.
as technology develops, we are witnessing technology’s increasing ability to expose people’s privacy.
technology has advanced by leaps and bounds, and it is not uncommon for products to become popular overnight, and then fade into oblivion.
the popularity of social media platforms, such as facebook and twitter, makes it easier for young people to fall victim to social media overload.
the government will impose strict controls on computer and mobile applications that infringe on users’ privacy.
fear of the unknown has always hung over scientific progress, but it always dissipates over time.
although the application of advanced technology has brought convenience to our lives, many people with poor self-control consequently indulge themselves in the virtual world and waste a great deal of time.
people feel anxious when the uncertainty brought by technology intrudes on their lives.
while the internet enables people to communicate with each other whenever they want, it also isolates them from the real world by taking away face-to-face interaction.
mobile payment greatly improves payment efficiency, brings convenience to peoples lives and minimizes the risk of cash use.
if a country wants to gain an advantage in long-term technological competition, it must become more basic science oriented.
because the develop
ment of technology will inevitably increase the risk of privacy violation, the government and technology firms are obliged to make a concerted effort to prevent peoples privacy from being violated.
autonomous vehicles can significantly reduce the number of traffic accidents, saving millions of lives.
teenagers are more likely to be obsessed with virtual identities on the internet and then reduce the time spent interacting with their friends and family. this will have a negative impact on their mental health and social skills.
enterprises that attempt to restrict the development of technology to maintain their monopoly will eventually go downhill.
thanks to the internet, we are now able to communicate with others anytime anywhere, but online communication is no substitute for real-life interactions.
whenever a new technology emerges, some industries will inevitably suffer, and it is low-skilled workers in these industries that suffer the most.
elderly people are more susceptible to internet scams than the younger generation.
technology companies are waging an internet war for their own interests, regardless of whether users will sustain huge losses or not.
in fact, some developed countries believe that technological advances in developing countries may threaten their existing international status, and they therefore choose to contain these countries.
contain:to prevent sth harmful from spreading or getting worse 防止…蔓延(或恶化)
?to contain an epidemic 防止流行病的蔓延
?government forces have failed to contain the rebellion. 政府军未能遏止叛乱
computers and the internet will not undermine the role of teachers. rather, they can be used to facilitate teaching and lighten the burden of teachers.
people worry that with the development of artificial intelligence technology, some professions will vanish and low-skilled workers will lose their jobs.
tech firms should accept public scrutiny, which can prevent them from using users’ digital footprints for evil.
modern technological advances are not achieved overnight. they are the accumulation of research results of several generations.
engaging in scientific research requires strong willpower, because many research results cannot be achieved in the short term, even if they are theoretically feasible.
some people pride themselves with their ability to adapt to cutting-edge technologies in the digital era.
people in developing countries are more willing to adopt new techniques than those in developed countries, especially when the techniques are highly efficient.
随着 5g 技术的普及,信息产业将会以惊人的速度进步,并催生大量技术创新。
with the popularity of 5g technology, the information industry will advance at a breathless pace and generate countless technological innovations.
the decline in peoples creativity is partly attributed to new forms of entertainment that modern technology brings, which can satisfy people’s sensory pleasures without requiring them to think.
the rapid development of the internet has not only provided us with convenience, but also brought us challenges: is real life compatible with the virtual world?
the government should encourage high-tech firms to dedicate more money to research and development, because doing so is not only good for the firms’ future, but beneficial to society as a whole.
a countrys international status is largely determined by its economic and technological strength, so the government should focus on developing these two areas.
as short video platforms such as tik tok become popular around the world, more and more young people have developed a passion for recording short video clips.
one reason that many countries are developing rapidly these years is their eager embrace of modern technology.
互联网的发展使得人们得以在线上购物, 助他们节省时间和金钱。
the development of the internet enables people to go shopping online, helping them save time and money.
technological advances such as the internet and smartphones have enriched our lives. now we can go shopping, watch movies and even work in the comfort of our own home.
the government should ensure a stable economic environment and provide support such as tax incentives for domestic tech firms.
an educated populace will facilitate the development of science and technology, so it is important that the government increase spending on education.
new technology can foster innovation and accelerate value delivery, but it doesnt hold all the answers.
互联网的出现凸显了普通人作为现代公民的作用, 助他们针对社会议题发声。
the advent of the internet has given people the opportunity to highlight their role as modern citizens and give voice to social issues.
we should rationally control the investment in science and technology by identifying what our society really needs.
the local government should implement new policies to attract more high-tech firms and professionals.



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