年轻的时候,看到特别厉害的人会心生仰慕,…来自考研政治 …(年轻的时候看到山)




经历了18个月疫情的肆虐,全球并没有完全从新冠阴影中走出,很大程度上是因为变异的德尔塔病毒捣的鬼。德尔塔病毒到底是怎么传播的?病毒变异为什么如此难防?未来为什么可能需要打第三针疫苗?“jabs mostly fend off the delta strain but breakthroughs are infectious”解释得特别清楚,三张颇具代表性的《经济学人》图表也可以锻炼你的数据阅读能力。??《经济学人·商论》app内搜索“新冠”阅读更多相关主题内容

the delta delta

jabs mostly fend off the delta strain but breakthroughs are infectious
a new british study also finds that immunity wanes over time

年轻的时候,看到特别厉害的人会心生仰慕,…来自考研政治 …(年轻的时候看到山)插图

on august 18th america’s surgeon general announced that people who got covid-19?vaccines?at least eight months ago can receive an extra?shot. israel has already given a third?jab?to many citizens. france and britain are also considering?boosters.??注:vaccine, shot, jab, booster 都是疫苗的意思,在一段话里,用四个稍微不同的表达方式,强调注射,中文中没有一一对应的词,只能根据语境去翻译,但大致都是“打针”。


covid-19 vaccines offer better defences against hospitalisation and death than versus transmission. however, their protection against infection may have begun to wane. in iceland and israel, most adults got jabs months ago, but cases are soaring.there are two leading explanations for this trend. one is that the delta?variant?escapes protection from vaccines. another is that the jabs’ efficacy declines over time. a new paper finds evidence for both causes.??注:variant,变体/变化/变异。这里强调不再需要加上strain(毒株)就完全能够表达清楚是德尔塔变异毒株。led by koen pouwels of oxford, the study, released on august 19th, uses a survey of 500,000 people in britain who were tested regularly for covid-19. after adjusting for age and time since vaccination, it compared the jabs’ efficacy during two time periods: one dominated by the alpha variant, and another by delta. for cases with a high?viral load, the efficacy of pfizer’s jab fell from 94% against alpha to 84% versus delta. astrazeneca’s efficacy dipped from 86% to 70%, and protection resulting from previous infection declined from 87% to 77%.??注:viral load,字面翻译是病毒载量。如果关注疫情的发展,可以知道delta病毒感染者一个很典型的情况就是他们鼻腔里病毒会快速繁殖,因此传染性也要强很多,原因就是病毒载量的迅速增加。


the passage of time has reinforced this?immune escape. one israeli study showed that people who got pfizer’s jab in january or february were 50% more likely to have a “breakthrough” case in june or july than were those vaccinated in march or april. the british data back up this result: in the three months following a second jab, pfizer’s efficacy declined by ten percentage points. astrazeneca’s vaccine had a milder drop, though it was less protective overall.??注:immune escape, 英语里也同样存在造新词的情况。这个词组恰恰形象地描述了上一段话中打过两针疫苗或者得过新冠而产生免疫力的人在六个月之后面临传染性更强的德尔塔病毒自身免疫力下降的例子,直接翻译为免疫逃逸,也可以用国内现在常用的“免疫突破”。或者是下文的breakthrough case,突破案例,是同一个意思。the study’s most striking finding involved transmission. in the alpha period, vaccinated people with breakthrough cases produced only small amounts of virus. this made them less likely to spread it. in contrast, viral loads in breakthrough delta cases were just as high as those of people exposed to?viral proteins?for the first time.??注:这里viral proteins其实和virus 是同一个意思,都翻译成新冠病毒。病毒本质上也是由蛋白质组成。


the british paper does not study the severity of covid-19 cases. in theory, protection against infection can wane without harming defences against serious disease, because a vaccine-trained immune system can expel the virus quickly. however, hospitalisations in israel have risen to levels last seen in march.?the jury is still out?on whether widespread boosters will be necessary to keep hospital beds open.■??注:the jury is still out,很常见的成语,本意是陪审团还没有给出裁定,引申为还没有定论。

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