
|==??英语口语虽然是考研复试的一小部分,但其重要性不容忽视,今天我们一起来学一学艺术类考研复试必备词汇及英文自我介绍~~~考研复试可能用到的专业词汇美术类●国画/中国画?chinese painting●水墨画?ink painting●工笔画?fine brush work●写意画?freehand brush work●油画?oil painting●书法?calligraphy●技法?skill/technique●水彩画?watercolor painting●专业学习?academic performance●艺术作品?art works●写生;素描?sketch●人物素描?character sketch●创作?works/ painting●艺术流派?schools of art●画展?art exhibition●举办个人画展?hold my solo exhibition●艺术风格?artistic style●优雅?elegant/graceful●野兽派?fauvism●自然主义画派?naturalism●表现派?expressionism●现代主义?modernism●超现实主义?surrealism●后现代主义?postmodernism●古典主义?classicism●现实主义?realism●写实派?realist school●学院派?academicism●点彩派?pointillism设计类●视觉传达设计?visual communication design●数字媒体设计?digital media design●数字媒体艺术?digital media?arts●环境艺术设计?environmental art design●景观设计?landscape design●室内设计?interior design●产品设计?product design●服装设计?dress design●包装设计?packaging design●作品集?portfolio●平面设计?graphic design●信息设计?information design●交互设计?interaction design●界面设计?ui design●用户体验设计?user experience design●排版?typography●布局?layout●作文?composition●色彩理论?color theory●视觉层次结构?visual hierarchy●品牌?branding●广告?advertising●用户体验?user experience (ux)●用户界面?user interface (ui)●动画?motion graphics●插图?illustration●摄影?photography●动画?animation●视觉美学?visual aesthetics●视觉感知?visual perception?








01问法:please make a self-introduction;could you please introduce yourself to us?tell us something about yourself.02自我介绍可能会用到的单词honest 诚实easy-going 随和energetic 精力充沛的quick-learning 学习能力强的confident 自信perseverance 坚持dedication 奉献team-spirit 团队精神flexible 灵活leadership skills 领导能力helpfulness 乐于助人positive attitude 乐观态度caring 关心他人sense of humor 幽默感cheerfulness 乐观friendliness 友爱adaptability 适应能力work well with others善于与他人合作focus on projects 专一work under pressure能承受压力get along well with others 与人相处和睦02自我介绍时可能会用到的句子i am xxx, x years old, from xx city, xx province.i study xx, specified in xx at xx university.my major in my graduate year is xx, and i am quite interested in it.i am now a student majoring in xx, in xx university.i am about to graduate this june from xx university, in xx city.i am from xx, the capital city of xx province.i was born in xx, a place with beautiful natural scenery.over the past years, i have studied quite hard in my courses like xx.apart from my study, i also do well in xxx.in my spare time, i often do some exercise, which i think it is xx to my life and study.if admitted, i will spare no effort to conduct the relevant research and achieve more in the future.i will be honored/appreciated if you could grant me this opportunity to study here.if i am lucky enough to be a postgraduate of this university, i will … …04自我介绍结构一般来说,自我介绍包括开场白、姓名、毕业院校、毕业专业、为什么读研、将来从事的方向、读研时的打算、结束语等等。1.开场白比较简单,一般就是一个简单的问候和寒暄good morning, professors, i’m glad to be here for this interview.good morning, it’s my great pleasure to have the opportunity for this interview.good morning, professors. i have been expecting this interview since i got the admission.good morning, dear professors. thank you for giving me the opportunity to have this interview.hello, everyone. it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for an interview. i hope i can make a good impression today.其中,要特别注意我们的眼神,与面试官友好打招呼。2.基本信息简要介绍一下个人基本信息,如姓名、专业、毕业院校等。如:?i am li ming. my english name is jacky lee. you can call me that if you’d like to.i am majored in fine arts(美术学).i will graduate from hunan normal university in this coming june.3.本科期间的学习情况或实践经历可以从学习和实践两个角度展开叙述,学习上获得的奖学金、证书和参加的项目等,实践上参加过的比赛、志愿活动或者相关的兼职工作以及对自身的影响。根据自身实际情况挑选能突出自己的部分叙述,例如:a.学习成绩优异since i entered my university, i have been studying hard. i was granted scholarship every semester. i have mastered both basic and professional skills in xxx. and i have passed cet-4 and cet-6 in my first year of university.b.实践经历丰富my hobby is painting. when i was a freshman in the university, i joined a painting union and finally became the minister through my hard work. during the two years with my schoolmasters, i developed the ability of organizing and learned how to take a leadership role.c.成绩一般,实践经历少,可以重点写兴趣爱好等以及它们对你的积极影响i am an active girl and very fond of music. i usually go to the concert with my friends in my spare time. it can relax myself and open my mind. in this way, i can concentrate more on my study.d.辞职考研或者在职考研的同学,可以介绍自己的工作成绩i worked as the assistant to the general manager of xxx company and have helped to negotiate a 200,000 yuan deal for the corporation.4.考研原因这个几乎是每个导师都会关心的问题,因此,最好把这个问题就放在自我介绍里面说了。这部分内容务必要让考官感到我们选择这个专业是经过深思熟虑的,是一个理性的选择而不是一时冲动。通常可以从以下三个方面来回答:a.兴趣,强调对所报考专业怀有极大的兴趣(have significant interest in …).如果本科就读的专业与报考的专业一致,则可以说明想继续深造(further education)的愿望。如果不一致,则要说明报考专业对你的吸引力(…appeals to/ attracts me a lot).b.优势,强调研究生对于本科生在知识、学术方面的优势,如:知识面更广(wider knowledge),学术更专业(more professional), 眼界更广阔等(broaden one’s horizon)。c.益处,强调考研对你的未来的积极影响(have a positive effect on…),可以从求职、职业规划、人生经历等方面入手进行说明。可参考的词汇、短语如:be helpful, contribute to, be beneficial to, be conducive to, be a definite advantage, become a strong point when it comes to… 等等。对于在职考生或有工作经验的考生来说,考官乐于知道为什么(放弃工作)重新学习。考生可以直言在工作发现某些知识或技能很重要,希望能通过学习在这些方面进行提高如:in my work, i found …
is rather important. i always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning。so i choose to go back to school and improve myself.5.未来规划展现自己对未来的规划,目的在于向老师们展示自己对时间、学习、人生有一定计划性和掌控能力。如:?firstly,i plan to concentrate on study and research in this field in my graduate time. and i hope my exploration in this field would make a solid foundation for future profession after three years study here.6.结束语表达出对来目标院校就读的强烈意愿,并给出一个明确的结束的信号。如:i would be very appreciated if you could give me the opportunity to study in this university. that’s all about my self-introduction. thank you!口语注意事项:1.口语流利,但注意避免明显背诵痕迹自我介绍可以提前准备,背诵记忆主要内容,面试不是背课文,尽量表现得自然一点2.发音标准,尤其是专业相关词汇,平时多查查字典常见重点词汇和自己本专业、相关学科和报考院校名称的英文等避免错误发音,不然影响考官对我们的印象3.口语问答抓关键词,不要给自己挖坑,用简单句子表达观点既可如i think xx is good, because … …/ i like xx, and i often go to xx with my friends.4.注意眼神沟通,多跟考官互动交流,大方、自信,展现最好的一面~






















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